About Take Heart Create
At the centre of Take Heart is the message of God's love and hope for us all. Started from a simple idea, it is low cost and low risk for individuals and the Church alike, but has far reaching exposure for the Christian message of God's unconditional love.
Take Heart taps into the very basic human need to know that we are loved and worth loving, regardless of circumstance, looks, gender, disability or anything else that distracts us from that truth that
'We are God's masterpiece' : Eph 2v10
and 'There is nothing that can separate us from his love' John 16:33
It helps us know that even though we have trouble in this world, Jesus has overcome for us.

Outcomes and opportunities
It gives the church a common evangelistic opportunity, unifying and involving all groups, ages etc.
Releases creativity, bringing a sense of fulfilment and self-esteem. Creativity is increasingly being acknowledged to have health benefits.
We have made a variety of hearts, (hands, doves, and more)using sewing, cooking, and various creative ideas. Being creative will spark off more creative ideas to reach out to our communities.
Simply make, attach 'Take Heart' labels of hope and give them away!
They are a symbol of God's love freely given.

Inspiration and Ideas
In 2016 Take Heart was offered over Exeter Diocese via the magazine and some invitational emails. A number of churches and groups expressed an interest, and implemented it for Valentines week (although it doesn't need to be time specific or just hearts alone!).
It can be used through existing groups such as Messy Church, toddlers, small groups, special needs, the whole church​, taken into schools, nurseries, care homes, hospitals etc.
Involve local shops or groups- make hearts and bring them to church, hang on a tree at Christmas or harvest.
Hold a "Reflective day" looking at self-worth and identity- with a creative afternoon
Include it as part of a talk on what God's love means.
Run a Pop-up Take Heart café with a creative experience.
Use to give away at weddings and baptisms.
It is accessible for all people of all ages and all levels of skill and confidence, enabling and encouraging involvement in evangelism and outreach into local community.

Take Heart, what does it mean?
The Bible says, 'Take heart, help will arrive shortly and everything will be fine'.
If you take heart from something, you are encouraged and made to feel optimistic by it.
As Christians we put our hope in Jesus.
Contact me if you would like me to come to your church
Make hearts and other things, use bible verses of hope and give them away.
Creativity, purpose and community are proven to be good for our mental health.
We don't have to be an expert - there is something everyone can achieve regardless
of age or ability.
I have labels and ideas you can download here, and you may have some of your own ideas too!
Please click through to the downloads page for some ideas and take a look at Take Heart Create Facebook